Why The Web?
“The flower cannot be by herself alone.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
This is the work of collective liberation - one connection at a time.
The Web is about interconnection. It is about weaving together what is otherwise torn apart in our world - within ourselves, within our communities, and with the natural world. Even the smallest changes can have a big impact. We seek change through small - yet bold and deliberate - steps towards healing and wholeness. We are stronger when our threads are woven together.
The Web is internal.
It reflects the many parts of ourselves that are entwined and overlapping. Too often, we are expected to set parts of us aside, fracturing the very essence of who we are: the identities we carry, the connection between mind, body, and spirit, the thoughts, feelings, and experiences we have, and the ways in which we express ourselves. Stitching the web within helps us to reconnect to ourselves. When we transform ourselves, we transform the world. Jill helps you get there.
The Web is external.
It reflects the ways in which we are inherently interconnected with everything in the world around us. Just as the flower has to “inter-be” with the sun, the soil, the water, the air, we too thrive when in right relationship with the natural world and everything in it. The more attuned we are to this network, the more we can nurture and be nurtured by the world around us. Jill facilitates small groups and community spaces that help us connect to the world around us.
The Web is eternal - and it’s a beautiful mystery.
It acknowledges the cycles of life and death and re-birth inherent in each moment and each millennia. It is compounded patterns that connect neurons and galaxies. It reflects the spiral of wisdom and failings from generations before and generations to come, steadily moving towards a more just, loving world. Let Jill accompany you for a moment or for a lifetime as the mystery unfolds!